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since 4 weeks ago
Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
2 replies

I bought this camellia from bunnings in Autumn and its still in the bunnings pot. This didn't grow or flower in winter and now almost all the leaves h ...

Finding My Feet
4 weeks ago

Thank Eric, I will keep you posted.

Finding My Feet
2 replies
4 weeks ago

 In summer I water every alternate day. In winter it's once or twice a week depending on rain. I fertilize with osmocot citrus granules every 6 months ...

Finding My Feet
4 replies

My mandarine tree didn't bloom last year, but looks healthy. I have owned the house for about a year and half and the tree was there qhen we bought i ...

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Bunnings Team Member EricL
Bunnings Team Member
1 reply
4 weeks ago

Hello @payel For the meantime, I suggest giving your mandarin tree a chance to sprout flowers as we are getting close to the end of winter. Those b ...

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Finding My Feet
4 weeks ago

Thank Eric, I will keep you posted.

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