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Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
1 reply
4 weeks ago

Nice. I don't know they existed!

Finding My Feet
1 reply
4 weeks ago

Thanks. I may have to go with a centre frame if I can't get the 3m piece home A combo of both ideas!

Finding My Feet
4 weeks ago

That's awesome. Thank you! My only issue is getting a 3m length home......

Finding My Feet
9 replies

Hi, I want to make a really narrow table to sit behind the sofa. Similar to the image below. It would just be for drinks etc. Needs to be about 90cm h ...

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Community Megastar
2 replies
4 weeks ago

Afternoon @LuLu2 I like your idea Very handy thing to have for sure! I also like @JacobZ 's mock up of the design and the use of pine DAR, It will m ...

Bunnings Team Member JacobZ
Bunnings Team Member
4 replies
4 weeks ago

Hi @LuLu2, Thank you for your question and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us. Due to the length of t ...

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Finding My Feet
1 reply
4 weeks ago

Thanks. I may have to go with a centre frame if I can't get the 3m piece home A combo of both ideas!

Finding My Feet
9 replies

Hi, I want to make a really narrow table to sit behind the sofa. Similar to the image below. It would just be for drinks etc. Needs to be about 90cm h ...

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