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Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
1 reply
a month ago

Thank you everyone! I figured this was the case. Hopefully we can avoid cracking the tiles on the bathroom side during the replacement. Thanks again.

Finding My Feet
5 replies

Hi! The metal door frame (brick walls) to our upstairs bathroom is rusted. I just tapped it with a hammer based on advice on a different Bunnings post ...

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Community Megastar
a month ago

Evening @m_fitzg Bugger  I would be heading towards a replacement and as @EricL suggests getting a quote from a registed builder. I would also get ...

Amassing an Audience
a month ago

Hi @m_fitzg I agree with @EricL and look in to having the door jamb replaced. And as @Dave-1 has already highlighted, I would be wanting to know how a ...

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Finding My Feet
1 reply
a month ago

Thank you everyone! I figured this was the case. Hopefully we can avoid cracking the tiles on the bathroom side during the replacement. Thanks again.

Finding My Feet
5 replies

Hi! The metal door frame (brick walls) to our upstairs bathroom is rusted. I just tapped it with a hammer based on advice on a different Bunnings post ...

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