The door doesn't hit any of the corners when I open and close it. But when the door is closed, I can see that the door is jutting out a little bit at ...
There is gap between my laundry door and the door frame. But it’s only at the lower section of the door. I have the weatherproof seal on the door fram ...
For the Flexi Storage Decorative Shelving 200mm Black Matte Shelf End Brackets, what's the recommended maximum length of the shelf before it starts t ...
Hi, what outdoor varnish can I use to restore the colour of the timber and protect from the harsh UV rays? What steps do I need to take before applyin ...
Hi @kvenkate
What @Dave-1 is describing is basically what the graphic below is providing as a rough idea on how it might look internally. The elect ...
Hi @redcamper, both @EricL @and @Dave-1 have offered great solution ideas which would work well. Heres another idea to consider. If you fix a cross me ...
Hello @redcamper
If two sides of the benchtop will be supported by the wall, you'll probably need only one angle bracket to support the centre of t ...
Hi, what outdoor varnish can I use to restore the colour of the timber and protect from the harsh UV rays? What steps do I need to take before applyin ...
Thanks all for the suggestions. @Dave-1 : With regards to your 2nd suggestion, did you mean to put this along the long and short sides of the shelves ...
I have an L shaped pantry. It looks like the L is made of 2 separate pieces with a plastic piece joining it. And was strengthened by this vertical boa ...
I'm planning to setup three flexi-storage wall strips over this laundry wall to create some shelf and hanging racks, etc.
The main concern is the p ...
Hi TeamI've just moved into a new property and this is my linen closest which I'm disappointed with since its 1 shelf. I'm wanting to replicate this. ...