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since November
3 weeks ago
Growing in Experience
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Growing in Experience

Thanks for the encouragement and advice Eric! Much appreciated.

Growing in Experience
2 replies

My outdoor furniture had been under the elements for too long but I didn't want to give up on it all together and had a go at resurfacing it. Looks li ...

Growing in Experience
1 reply

Thanks Jacob! I really appreciate your comments. It was indeed a great project and I've been inspired to do much more now that I've seen it installed ...

Growing in Experience
3 replies

My son's kindergarten wanted a free little book library for the children to share and swap books and I volunteered for the project. They had an old do ...

Posts user liked

Bunnings Team Member EricL
Bunnings Team Member
1 reply

Hello @ClayMan Thank you so much for sharing the details of your coffee table revamp. The restoration looks fantastic and just like you said it loo ...

Bunnings Team Member JacobZ
Bunnings Team Member
2 replies

Hi @ClayMan, What a way to introduce yourself to the Workshop Community. Please accept a warm welcome and my thanks for sharing a truly fantastic ...

User's liked posts

Growing in Experience

Thanks for the encouragement and advice Eric! Much appreciated.

Growing in Experience
2 replies

My outdoor furniture had been under the elements for too long but I didn't want to give up on it all together and had a go at resurfacing it. Looks li ...

Growing in Experience
1 reply

Thanks Jacob! I really appreciate your comments. It was indeed a great project and I've been inspired to do much more now that I've seen it installed ...

Growing in Experience
3 replies

My son's kindergarten wanted a free little book library for the children to share and swap books and I volunteered for the project. They had an old do ...

ClayMan's Bookmarks
Bunnings Team Member JacobZ
Bunnings Team Member
2 replies

Hi @ClayMan, What a way to introduce yourself to the Workshop Community. Please accept a warm welcome and my thanks for sharing a truly fantastic ...

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