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since April 2023
April 2023
Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
1 reply
April 2023

Thanks so much for such a detailed, stepped out reply! I'll pick up the products suggested and see how I go!

Finding My Feet
3 replies

Hi all, I've just pulled out an old wardrobe in my bedroom, and it turns out a big part of the wall and some of the ceiling where the wardrobe was has ...

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Bunnings Team Member MitchellMc
Bunnings Team Member
2 replies
April 2023

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Gemofalltrades. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about rendering a wa ...

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Finding My Feet
1 reply
April 2023

Thanks so much for such a detailed, stepped out reply! I'll pick up the products suggested and see how I go!

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April 2023