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Dave-1's Bookmarks

Community Megastar
2 replies

When I had bought the house I found a dip in the loungeroom floor, over time it had became even more noticable and within the last 6 months it had bec ...

Community Megastar
2 replies

Its that time of year when we all start to want to hang out on our decking only to frown at the state it is in... Well yeah I did So I have rolled th ...

Community Megastar
3 replies

My pool deck had had no love shown to it for 9 years I would say, I had oiled it twice? Maybe three times around 6 months after I built it in 2011 but ...

Community Megastar
27 replies

I have just been wondering what is a mistake you have done with a tool. There have been a few new members concerned, maybe about using a tool or maybe ...

Community Megastar
4 replies

The old patio had three plus layers of various paint over it. Bringing it back to something nicer started from renovating the front door and has flowe ...

Community Megastar
2 replies

This is an update to the stormwater rectification I started in 2021-2022. After last Fridays downpour I thought I would show how the landscaping, Berm ...

Community Megastar
5 replies

This is an old Kitchen rebuild project from 2009 I have Ummed and ahhed about posting it as the photo quality isnt the best. But decided if it helps s ...

Community Megastar
5 replies

I have wanted a snooker table for years and have always run up against the "space" for it to live in issue. Also the weight of a proper table and gett ...

Community Megastar
2 replies

I have wanted a replacement for my old timber sunlounge. It had been too many years in the sun and one day when I dropped myself on the timber frame I ...

Community Megastar
2 replies

When i built the deck 12 years ago I wanted to install a bench here using the part ledge. Life takes over and it never started. Well Its restarted and ...

Community Megastar
2 replies

The side of the deck needed to have a privacy screen as I could say "Howdy" to the neighbours resonably easy. Years after I built the privacy screen t ...

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