Hi Workshop Community,
My partner and I have recently purchased and moved into our first house. Frequency rate of 'trips to Bunnings' has exploded, ...
Hey all!
My fiancee and I have just settled on a 3 bedroom Californian bungalow in the northern suburbs. It needs a ton of work, but has great bone ...
I've always wanted to do a Van to Campervan conversion and when my son rang me up and said " Dad, you can say no if you want, but I've just bought mys ...
Hi everyone,
For some time now, we have wanted to install some home video surveillance around our home. I wanted to share my experience with the co ...
Hi all,
I thought it may he good to have a feed where we could share any tips and tricks to do with any of the Grid Connect Range being Arlec, Deta, V ...
My Nana’s old cabinet has passed through 3 generations and now belongs to my Niece, so it is time for a make-over. Made mostly of Silky Oak it was in ...
Talk to the IT pros and they'll always tell you one thing about networking - when you can stick a plug in, do it!A cabled connection will always be fa ...
When we purchased our home, we could not fit our new lounges through any of the doors. So hubby cut through a wall, (as you do ) to gain internal acc ...