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What wall anchor for float and set plaster?

Getting Established

What wall anchor for float and set plaster?

Hi everyone,

Just moved into our newly built house and ready to hang some heavier things, roughly 3-5kg on the wall.

I believe the internal walls are finished with float and set plaster. I'm not even sure if there are wall studs behind the plaster.

I believe this is different to plasterboard/drywall - so the 3m claw products that I tried don't push into the wall at all. 

Can anyone recommend an appropriate wall anchor?



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Suitable wall anchor for float and set plaster?

Hi @Ryancito,


Thank you for your question about wall anchors for your plaster walls.


Floated plaster is a technique that is often referred to as a level 5 finish where the entire wall is skimmed with plaster. A thin coat of plaster is applied to the whole wall and a wide skimming blade like this Intex PlasterX 800mm Drywall Skimmer is used to achieve a perfectly flat surface. It can be done over either plasterboard or masonry, so we'll need to know what is behind the floated plaster to select the right anchor.


Your choice of anchor comes down to what is behind the plaster. Being internal walls, it's likely they are either timber or metal studs. Considering the house is newly built, you might have access to building plans that could shed some light. 


If you have timber or metal stud walls with skimmed plasterboard, your best option is to screw into a stud. Studs can be found with a stud finder. Check out How to use a stud finder for some guidance on their use.


Where a stud isn't available, you can use these Ramset Nylon WallMate Plasterboard Anchors for things up to 10kg. For heavier things, Ramset Super Wallmate Toggle Anchors are a good option.


If the walls are masonry, like brick, block or concrete, you can use Wall Plugs.


Check out How to hang just about anything for some further guidance.




Getting Established

Re: Suitable wall anchor for float and set plaster?

Thanks for the reply 


after reading my plans gyprock drywall/plasterboard is directly adhered onto the brick wall using "Gyprock Drywall™ Masonry

Adhesive 100."


To my knowledge there is no timber or metal wall studs.


I'm assuming Ramset Nylon WallMate Plasterboard Anchors or a standard wall plug would be suitable?





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Suitable wall anchor for float and set plaster?

Hi @Ryancito,


The wallmate anchors will not work in this situation as there is no cavity behind the plasterboard for the anchor to rotate into.


You'll have to use a wall plug like the Ramset 7 x 35mm Green Wall Plugs I mentioned above. You'll need a 7mm masonry bit to create a pilot hole to tap the plug into with a hammer.


Alternatively, these Stahl Masonry Plug Kits contain plugs with the corresponding sized masonry bit to install them.


Let me know if you've got any further questions.




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