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This is a Vietnam War memorial, in replica of the Battle of Long Tan cross, made from recycled red gum wood and with detailed silhouettes. A lot of time, inspiration and joinery skills went into this project. This is the second Vietnam War memorial cross I have completed, and like the first one, this one will also be donated to a local RSL club
Many thanks for sharing this special project with the Bunnings Workshop community @zack. I'm sure your local RSL will be extremely appreciative of all your efforts.
You are obviously a skilled craftsman and have a lot of knowledge and experience to share with the Bunnings Workshop community. We are looking forward to reading more of your posts soon. Please don't hesitate to contribute to discussions, sharing advice and other projects.
Hi Zack, I love your project, can you Private Message me when you have a moment, Brad
Hi Brad, thank you for liking my project, I will private message you once I figure out how to 😂
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Thank you for you help
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