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Restoring a couple of bentwood chairs

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Restoring a couple of bentwood chairs

Two chairs to refurbishTwo chairs to refurbishThese two old chairs are my next restoration project. I will post some pics as I progress with the work.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Restoring a couple of bentwood chairs

Hello @Dura 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us.


I suspect that it could be very thin pieces of plywood that was used, which makes it soft and pliable, able to be pressed into shape. The technique shown on the video you linked to shows timber adhesive being spread on the pieces before being put together and pressed into shape. No heat or moisture would be required as the glue would hold the timber shape in place. To semi-recreate this effect, I suggest using pine panels and sanding the surface to get the shallow bowl shape you're after.    


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1, @Nailbag, @TedBear and @JoeAzza for their recommendations regarding this restoration.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Community Megastar

Re: Restoring a couple of bentwood chairs

Evening @Dura 

First up Id like to offer a warm welcom to the community :smile: Its a good place to figure out these types of questions.

Do you have a photo of the chairs that you are wanting to work with? The only ply seats I have worked with was repairing some old school style chairs with the curved edges. I used builders bog to smooth out the flaking and removed any that had been seperated before sanding and painting.


For you question about forming the ply, thats a lot harder to do. @EricL's suggestion of sanding a piece of pine to give the contour you want would work.


With Ply being formed and moulded I have seen a frame made up and a steam box used. layering it as it goes. I am not sure how to go with a curved edge but a sheet of ply could be contoured as well, not sure how sanding the dip would be smooth. I figure it would be a little rough?



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Restoring a couple of bentwood chairs

Hi @Dura @During the recent Olympics I was curious on how skateboards were made, they started as layers of plywood glued together , then pressed into a form mould shaped as required, you could apply the same technique to your bowl shape in the seat, I have attached a link of how it’s done, hope this will at least give you some inspiration on how to complete your project.

Community Megastar

Re: Restoring a couple of bentwood chairs

Evening @JoeAzza 

Now that is interesting! :smile:



Re: Restoring a couple of bentwood chairs

Thanks @JoeAzza that is the sort of process I'm thinking of, the skate decks have a concave shape around the wheel which is even tighter than I need. My seat bowl shape will be about 20mm over a 200mm diameter (will get some photos uploaded tmrw)


The price of veneer is a challenge...😏


Was also looking at very thin ply, much cheaper but maybe going to split when formed




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