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Options for desktop for DIY desk?

Finding My Feet

Options for desktop for DIY desk?

Hi I’m looking at making two desks for my partner and I as we move into our new appartment. What are my options for desk tops? It seems like there are several places on the website that have wood panels but not all the same size, or cost…

im hoping to get tops to about 1600-1800x900mm that I can stain or varnish and attach some ikea adjustable legs on as I am tall and most sitting desks aren’t the right height for me ergonomically.


any advice welcome and appreciated!

Becoming a Leader

Re: DIY Desk advice?

I like to use the timber panels that you get from Bunnings. They are easy to work with and the quality is very good for the price. For my last tables, I used the rubber wood worktop that Bunnings was selling for $69 and also the Oiled Karri Laminated Panel for $129. At the moment, I am using the spotted gum which is just beautiful, full of colour and amazing patterns. As you are moving to a apartment, I would go for the light colours as a desktop. Personally, I like the water base coatings, such as clear coats, stains and paints. Just easier to work with and clean up. Good luck with your tables @abarrow .

Re: DIY Desk advice?

I used Bondall Monocel Clear Wood varnish to create a nice glossy finish for my desktop. It turned out really well but in future I would highly recommend using a water-based coating. I'd start with a water-based varnish, then top it off with a two-pack acrylic clear-coat, and then use cutting compound (such as Meguiar's Ultimate) on a medium cutting pad with my Dual-action polisher, followed by a light buff with a polish pad on the same tool.

Automotive clearcoats deliver a nice, hard surface which responds well to cutting, polishing and buffing. You'll get that french-polished look without the need for all that business with Shellac, and in some cases it'll last longer. I would highly recommend using a desk mat as well though. Mostly to give your mouse a nice gliding surface. 

Cultivating a Following

Re: Options for desktop for DIY desk?

A lot of great advice here from every direction. Please allow me to add my 2 cents worth. I have a desk that is just over 800mm deep, and I could definitely use more room. Personally, I love the look of Merbau and the 1050mm depth would be great for me.

As for coatings, I've used both oil and water-based products. I prefer to use water-based products myself (the Cabots polyurethane is great) as they give just as good a result as the oil-based ones these days, and they are way easier to clean up afterwards. But in the end, it all comes down to personal preferences. All the best.

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