Community Manager
Community Manager

Introduce yourself to the community

Welcome to your Workshop. It is great to have you as a member of the community. We encourage you to say hello and introduce yourself.


Please reply to this post and tell us a bit about yourself. Whatever information you feel comfortable sharing is fine.


You might like to tell us about your current D.I.Y. and garden projects, your work, your passions, your hobbies, your dreams, what you struggle with, what you hope to learn from this community, and/or your favourite ice cream flavour.


And for something truly revealing about yourself - tell us what you call a barbecued sausage served on a single piece of bread.


We look forward to your post and getting to know you. Thanks for joining the discussion.



Community Manager



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Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Introduce yourself to the community

Let me extend a very warm welcome to Workshop @GregJ, and to Australia!


You've made a great choice - that looks like a very organised little workshop.


Looking forward to chatting with you about your projects.



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Building a Reputation

Re: Introduce yourself to the community

Hello Community - I'm Dave.


I give most things a go. its a buzz to create/build something sit back and enjoy it. Plus there is nothing better than getting the tools out and making NOISE!.


i have recently renovated my home, which was a great experience. im sure you will enjoy @KingStreetReno.


now im working in the back yard endlessly shifting dirt around from one corner to the next. its coming together, slowly.


@Jason its definately a snag sanga

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Introduce yourself to the community

Great to have you as part of the Workshop community @Dave.


Thanks for sharing photos of your renovated bathroom and kitchen in the Gallery. Great to see the improvement that can be made on a small budget. 


Looking forward to reading more about your backyard project soon.



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Building a Reputation

Re: Introduce yourself to the community

Hi everyone.


Looking forward to learning from this site. We currently don't own our own place but are currently saving and dreaming. And I'm always keen on tips for doing what we can to improve our rental house.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Introduce yourself to the community

Welcome @Alicia.


A very warm welcome to Workshop. Looking forward to reading about your projects and dreams.



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Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Introduce yourself to the community

A very warm welcome to some of our newest members of the Workshop community. 


@aaronknol7@Bjorn@Cameron@chefadammoore@Claudius@Cloverfield@Dan@eraser@Hay@hiraldesai@imogenR@JasonL@jtredoux@JudyChin@JulieH@KabirV@lilyijreid@ReneC@Rich@Sarah@sazymac@Simon@Simsy@t-spoon@tetris36@Tim@Wendy_S@Willow and @wombies.


Please introduce yourselves and make yourselves at home.


We look forward to getting to know you and hearing about your projects and plans. 



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Growing in Experience

Re: Introduce yourself to the community

Hi Jason & everyone else


Jason you're like an old friend I've never met. I've still got the old ps3 from the Screenplay days under my TV, but it gets far less use since the ps4 rolled in last year.


I have a small vegie patch out the back & grow various vegies with various levels of success. Replanted over the Christmas break & have a bunch of seedlings atm so here's hoping they keep on growing.


My two year old loves to feed the worms in our compost with food scraps & helps with the watering too. He insists on handing out the produce to his mum, nan & nanna & will often eat things that he wouldn't usually eat, simply because he picked them. One day he ate so much kale I couldn't beleive it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Introduce yourself to the community



Welcome to Workshop. It's great to have you as part of this new community. You'll notice some of the Screen Play folk are here, including keen gardeners @bluebec and @Dale.


Good luck with your vegies. I'm keen to hear if you can get your son to eat Brussels sprouts!



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Finding My Feet

Re: Introduce yourself to the community

Hello workshop! 


My name is Sarah and to be honest my DIY skills are limited at best! I love seeing how everyone can transform their space and hope to be able to do the same one day when I buy! 


At the moment I'm limited to a little veggie garden on my balcony but that seems to be going pretty well so far. And I did make a little DIY Christmas tree too... 

Hopefully I'll learn a few more skills here to improve my veggies!! 

Ps. I call it a snag! 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Introduce yourself to the community

Welcome @sarahmcm. Thanks for sharing your photos. Your plants do seem healthy - great work! And your minimalist Christmas tree was very creative. 


Looking forward to reading more of your posts.





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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects