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Ideas wanted for large art at no or little cost

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Ideas wanted for large art at no or little cost

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-25 at 10.57.14.jpeg


Hello hello!


I am currently renovating a house and ran out of money for the artwork :smile: It is a biophilic design home reno so trying to find some nature-inspired solutions. I like very large art. Any suggestions?


Below is one I came up with. You can follow my reno journey from my Instagram


WhatsApp Image 2021-07-21 at 12.14.54.jpeg WhatsApp Image 2021-07-21 at 12.14.55.jpeg WhatsApp Image 2021-07-21 at 12.14.57 (1).jpeg WhatsApp Image 2021-07-21 at 12.14.57.jpeg WhatsApp Image 2021-07-21 at 12.14.58.jpeg

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Ideas wanted for large art at no or little cost

Hi @Cocoplum


That circular leaf display is fantastic, it has a beautiful texture and is relaxing to look at. If you have palm trees or palm leaves, I suggest trying your hand at weaving fans and containers. These are materials you would normally get rid of in the bin so it's definitely a candidate for the type of art you're looking for.


Let me call on our experienced members @prettyliving and @craftyhopper for their recommendations.   


Please keep us updated with your progress, we look forward to seeing your next artwork.





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Re: Ideas wanted for large art at no or little cost

Thank you Eric. Looking forward to hearing  from @prettyliving and @craftyhopper 

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: Ideas wanted for large art at no or little cost

Hi @Cocoplum,


It looks like you have a fantastic helper with your projects! How large are you wanting to go with your art? Let me tag @lifestylebymari and @sandy_d who are also super crafty as they might be able to give some suggestions. Check out Sandy's Easy DIY Wall Hanging Project for some inspiration as well. 




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Re: Ideas wanted for large art at no or little cost

Thank you @KatieC @Cocoplum have you explored wooden movable materials? I am experimenting currently with veneers and thin off cuts of wood, glued to material. The thin wood scraps can be cut into geometrical shapes very close to each other. When it’s complete the material can be shaped, hung on a wall, used a shades. This is an example of an artist that uses these concepts. 


Amassing an Audience

Re: Ideas wanted for large art at no or little cost

Hey @Cocoplum, take a stroll down to your Universities art department every once in a while and take a look at the projects the students are creating, I've aquired a couple of art pieces from students looking to offload work they're either not satisfied with, don't have room for or simply just want to give it away (free & paid, depends on the work). Always worth a look, IMO. 



Becoming a Leader

Re: Ideas wanted for large art at no or little cost

Hi @Cocoplum 

I have a few ideas and have videos on them if you're interested.

I have both in my home and just love them😊. The second one was the cheapest!

I just remembered another one I did but I only did a shorts on that. It's simply a large Kmart placemat, coaster and a packet of bamboo kebab skewers >>

Raffia wall art Raffia wall artBamboo wall art Bamboo wall art

Building a Reputation

Re: Ideas wanted for large art at no or little cost

Thank you for sharing. Just subscribed to your channel, great hints!

Building a Reputation

Re: Ideas wanted for large art at no or little cost

This is a great idea! thank you. I have always been impressed with UNSW art students who had to take some business classes with me 😂 

Building a Reputation

Re: Ideas wanted for large art at no or little cost

Yes, I can see a sculpture like DIY with this. Where do you buy these materials from?

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