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How to tighten cupboard handle with no visible screws?

Finding My Feet

How to tighten cupboard handle with no visible screws?

This handle is placed on a Cupboard that is only one sided. So the other side is sealed off with a plate as shown in the picture. 


The issue happened as children always tried to push it down to open it as with any other handle, but this one is locked in position. so it was just a simple pull required not a turn downwards to open. But since the kids have been trying to push it down all the time, it has come off and now is loose. There are no visible screws from the back plate to the front that i can tighten for it to stay there. 



So when you try to hold it now and pull the cupboard door open, the handle comes in your hand and the door is still hatched so does not open. 


No Screws at the back for me to put. 



When this comes out i see a metal piece coming from the back place to the front, that is stopping it from turning, but it has now become loose any idea on how i can put this back on so it does not just slip out ?





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to Tighten this Cupboard Handle with no visible Screws

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @SajjadButt. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about door handles.

It looks like the handle wasn’t installed correctly. Typically, these handles come with two bolts and instructions to drill corresponding holes through the door that align with the holes in the backplate and handle. The bolts should go through the backplate and door, then thread into the handle, preventing it from being pulled straight off. In your case, it appears that someone has just screwed the rear plate into the back door skin.


You could take the handle to your nearest store to find bolts long enough to go through the door and into the handle’s inserts.


If the current setup has worked for some time, another—though less ideal—option would be to glue the handle back on using Liquid Nails.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: How to Tighten this Cupboard Handle with no visible Screws

Thanks thats what i thought as well, but when i saw no hole in the Cupboard door i thought there might be some other way as well. 


I will sort this out. Thanks


Finding My Feet

Re: How to tighten cupboard handle with no visible screws?

Thanks MitchellMc Finally I attended to this task on the weekend. I removed the cover from the handle and then put a screw in into the screw hole. I did not knew i can open the cover and see the assembly once the cover was removed two screw holes were visible. 


All good now. Thanks for your help once again.

Re: How to tighten cupboard handle with no visible screws?

That's fantastic to hear, @SajjadButt. Many thanks for the update.




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