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How to remove insect screens for cleaning?

Cultivating a Following

How to remove insect screens for cleaning?

Some years ago, we had a commercial window installer supply new aluminium windows including insect screens to replace the external windows. They did a great job. Now some years later, we need to remove the insect screens for the cleaners to clean the windows on the inside and outside. However we are having an issue figuring out how to remove the insect screens.

These are awning windows with a winder. Photos attached.

is someone able to advise how to get the screens off the windows without damaging anything in the process?

Thank you.


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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Removal of Insect Screens for Cleaning

Hi @yng7,


Those black plastic retaining clips look oddly similar to those used in AWS retro vantage windows.



That system works with a butterfly retainer on the opposite side to those clips and is normally placed on the inside of the window for easy access. Could you have a quick check for me on the outside to see if there are any of these? If so, depress the wings, and the frame can be removed from the exterior side.



The only other potential solution I can think of is if you pull those black finger tabs towards the middle of the fly screen (not outwards towards you), they'll potentially retract a mechanism in the frame allowing the screen to be released. Most of the time, though, they are just used to grip the screen for installation.



Please let me know how you go.




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Cultivating a Following

Re: Removal of Insect Screens for Cleaning

Thanks, Mitchell. I’ll have a look in the morning.

Cultivating a Following

Re: Removal of Insect Screens for Cleaning

Hi Mitchell,

Just in case I didn’t mention earlier, this is an apartment block.
It doesn’t look like there is any butterfly retainer on the other side.

As suggested, I have tried pulling the tabs of one of the bedroom screens and managed to dislodge the black clips.

However, the ones in the stairwell are quite tightly lodged into the frame; may have to be yanked out somehow without damaging the frame. Hopefully they can be put back without much problem after the cleaning is done.

If you have further advice regarding this system, please let me know.

You’ve been very helpful. Much appreciated. 


Thank you, Mitchell.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Removal of Insect Screens for Cleaning



Could you show us some pictures of the frame you have removed and the window frame it was removed from? Some images of the clips would help too. 


It's not some type of tilt system where if you push the bottom of the fly screen frame in, the top will tilt out away from the window frame, allowing it to be removed?




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Cultivating a Following

Re: Removal of Insect Screens for Cleaning

Hi Mitchell,

I’ve had another closer look at the windows from the external. The vertical sides of the screen are up against a full length flat plate that prevents it from falling out the window. 
It looks like the only way is to remove those black retainer clips and the frame should come off easily.

On hindsight, this is such a poorly designed installation.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Removal of Insect Screens for Cleaning

Very odd @yng7.


I'm still not convinced we're not overlooking something. I struggle to believe that the only way to remove the screen would be using the pull tab to deform the frame around the retainer clip. I guess that's a possibility, but it's really a horrible way to fix them in place. 


Potentially, the installer hasn't been able to install the butterfly section as posted above and has just used the retainer clips designed for the outside on the inside. That clip is the only one I've found on the market, and it's almost identical to the one that is supposed to be used in conjunction with the quick-release butterflies. It's a bit silly, really, as those clips are very obviously a one-way system, and once the screen is clipped in, it's not coming out easily.


Let me mention @TedBear and @Brad to see if they have any genius suggestions.




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Re: Removal of Insect Screens for Cleaning

Hi @yng7 and @MitchellMc   it is fairly common to have flyscreens retained by a spring (curved spring metal) inside the framework on the opposite side to the retainer clip.  They can jam when left in for some time, so perhaps you need to run a knife around between the window frame and the fly-screen to loosen it, then pull the retainer toward the opposite side (i.e.  the centre of the wire). This should make it slide into the sprung area and the screen should then release at the retainer end.    Maybe yours are different... I don't know what those black clips are for.  

Cultivating a Following

Re: Removal of Insect Screens for Cleaning

Hi @TedBear,

Finally, after multiple attempts jiggling loose the black retainer clips, I yanked the screen forward using both finger tabs and the retainer clips popped out on one side. Part of it broke off. Pic below.

You’re probably correct about the clips being stuck fast after a long time.

What a relief! Thank you all. 👍🏻 Now we can get those windows and screens cleaned.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Removal of Insect Screens for Cleaning

Hello @yng7


That's great to hear that you've managed to remove your flyscreens! Please keep us updated, we would be keen to see the flyscreens refreshed and installed back in place. Any photo updates you can provide would be much appreciated.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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