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Hey Guys & Girls
I need to build my sills and architraves for my new double-glazed windows but i need to cut the surrounding concrete lower as per the pic - However, i have a grinder that i can use to cut along the concrete but I'm worried about the amount of dust and was wondering how i can reduce the dust or at least prevent the dust from getting all over the rest of the room. I know i can fit a hoover attachment to the grinder but they're a bit expensive for my current budget at $60-$70. Perhaps plastic sheets from the ceiling down to the floor to create an enclosure around the windows, i dunno. Any suggestions or ideas would be hugely appreciated 🙏
cut this down to lower level
Solved! See most helpful response
Hey Dave,
Thanks for coming back. I'm not sure what you mean but possibly you are saying that i keep the concrete and just pad out the lower part to the same height as the concrete, thus forming a sill at a higher level?
Morning @elbow
Yeah pretty much, I was trying to think around the problem. I was presuming that you want a timber sill for the window and looking at the window/Sill I thought there may be enough space to lift the Sill level with some spacers and then put a flat piece on top and still be under the window.
the existing concrete is about 5mm below the bottom of the frame when the window opens - i intend to just plaster all around, with no timber anywhere. I do like ur suggestion tho - I could pack the lower level upto the existing higher level and then plaster across possibly - If that is a solution, would i just pack it with plasterboard and glue it in place?
Morning @elbow
Id always go for a hard surface sill and probarly sides if possible. I lived in one place that had a unfinished timber sill that they put contact over to mnake it look like finished timber.... Pain in the neck making smooth. The hard surface can be painted white but anything that can potentially get water on it and resting on it id go for timber over plaster.
noted - i dont think they will have anything on them at all. so you think just packing with plaster board and gluing is the way to pack it?
Morning @elbow
I would use something that wont absorb water such as hardi plank, the window spacers or even a thin strip of timber more so then plasterboard (if it gets wet in any kind of way then it looses its structual strength and the window sill will become "spongy"
These are the spacers Id suggest to use Shims, Wedges & Spacers Just pick the size you will need. I have used 5mm ones for my outside bench without a problem. And they dont soak water
So packing with shims / hardiplank / timber and glue is a way to go.
ok thank you again for you help. we don't want to have any timber do perhaps the hardiplank is a good alternative. ill have to have a look into using that as an alternative 🙏
ah tile wouldn't suit the window/house.
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