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How to insulate a skillion roof?

Finding My Feet

How to insulate a skillion roof?

Hi Very very best, regardless of cost to insulate a skillion roof. Measurements in photos. Is the top timber beam enough for the air gap?  I’ve looked at space blankets that don’t look very well made and thermal- liner & break. Not sure if the break is worth extra for a timber house roof. ?  Also besides this product being stronger does it actually reflect more sun than plain staking?
Also will 90ml batts fit correctly? Thanks (getting a new roof)



Re: roif insulation

Thanks. Did you work out how many roles of tape?

also the sq mtrs of batts is that based on sq mtrs of floor area on a normal pitch roof? 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: roif insulation

Hi @needadvice,


We'd need to know the actual dimensions of the roof, not just the square meterage, in order to calculate how much tape you'd need.


You need a piece of tape for every overlap, so if there are for example, 5 overlaps that are 8 metres long, you'd need 40m.


We'd also need to know which specific rolls of thermal liner you were using as they come in different sizes which will affect how many overlaps there are.


The amount of insulation batts is relative to the square meterage of the ceiling space it is covering. The square meterage of the ground is going to be pretty close to this.




Re: roif insulation

Hi I’ll work out the tape today.  Yes it is based on sq m of floor space.  

Re: roif insulation

Hi @needadvice,


Once you provide the dimensions of the space, we'll be able to assist you with product requirements more accurately.


Let us know if you need further assistance with your project.




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hi how many boxes of these for 3 rolls of Ametalin thermal liner? Thanks 

Re: roif insulation

Thanks I got another roll of tape.

Re: insulation

Hi @needadvice,


The Ametalin should be fixed no greater than ever 150mm along your ceiling joists. The number of required fixings would be dependent on the spacing of your ceiling joists and so it's difficult to give you an exact number. 250 in that box should get you most of the way there, but it would be handy to pickup a second box just so you have them on hand if you run short. You can always return the second box for a refund if you don't use them.


Here's the Ametalin thermal liner installation guide.




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Finding My Feet

Re: How to insulate a skillion roof?

Do you think it would be advisable to put in a vent in this skillion roof. The gable roof it is joined to has a round whirly one. Not sure if it’s necessary or even if there’s enough space for one?  Thanks

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to insulate a skillion roof?

Hello @needadvice 


I suggest speaking to a roofing specialist in regards to the installation of a whirly bird. Adding an extra vent to your roofing area is always a plus as it reduces the temperature inside the room and promotes air movement inside the house.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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