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How to insulate a skillion roof?

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How to insulate a skillion roof?

Hi Very very best, regardless of cost to insulate a skillion roof. Measurements in photos. Is the top timber beam enough for the air gap?  I’ve looked at space blankets that don’t look very well made and thermal- liner & break. Not sure if the break is worth extra for a timber house roof. ?  Also besides this product being stronger does it actually reflect more sun than plain staking?
Also will 90ml batts fit correctly? Thanks (getting a new roof)



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: roif insulation

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @needadvice. It's sensational to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about insulating a roof.

Any air gap is better than none at all. Typically, insulation batts offer the best thermal insulation out of the available options, and you'd only not use them if you didn't have the space to fit them. In your 90mm of height, you can easily fit 90mm thick insulation batts, which will generally give you an R2.5 rating.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: roif insulation

Thank you I will.
 Will thermal liner make any difference to stopping the radiant heat more than normal staking? Thanks 

Re: roif insulation

Yes, a thermal liner will typically provide a better break than sarking, @needadvice. Sarking is predominantly used to capture water that has leaked through your roof and divert it to your eaves and out of the roof space. It has very little insulation value.




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Re: roif insulation

Thank you. There is an open veranda, needing a new roof . Would there be any point in using the thermal liner there also? As it’s open on 3 sides. Plus how durable is it if it’s not covered by a ceiling?

also how many rolls of Ametalin 50 m tape for a 80 sq meter house?  Thanks

Re: roif insulation

Hi @needadvice,


A thermal liner doesn't provide much insulation by itself. Insulation batts provide R2.5, whereas thermal liner provides R0.1. Enclosing the ceiling with Hardieflex would likely provide better insulation. 




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Re: roif insulation

Thanks .  About the Ametalin 50m tape? I’d one roll enough?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: roif insulation

Hi @needadvice,


As the tape will need to be used on each location where the liner overlaps, it will depend on the size and orientation of the thermal liner and the dimensions and style of the roof.


If you could provide a quick sketch with the width, length and style of the roof, I'm happy to check for you, but I would be surprised if one 50m roll would be enough. It is likely you would need more.


Let me know what you think.




Re: roif insulation

43 sq meters floor under skillion roof. 36 sq meters floor under normal roof. 
I think I’ll need 3 rolls of the thermal liner. Would this be correct? Plus tape rolls?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: roif insulation

Hi @needadvice,

I'd pick up four just to be on the safe side, you can always return full rolls that you don't use.


Let me know what you think.




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