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How to install Ikonic door knobs?

Just Starting Out

How to install Ikonic door knobs?



I’ve got the Ikonic Passage Set and I’m having trouble as one of the knobs doesn’t have the release hole so I can’t get the knob off to screw in the base plate. One knob has the release pin hole but the other one doesn’t.  The screw holes are set slightly inside the knob so I can’t get a screwdriver flush with it so it just bores out the screw head as it’s on a 60degree angle. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to install Ikonic door knobs?

Hi @quiney,


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, hopefully we can get this one sorted for you.


These types of door handles are designed so the bolts are only accessible from one side, so it is only possible to remove one of the base plates.


In the below photo I've highlighted the "through bolts" and the threaded "pillars" which they go in to. 






If the head of the screw is stripping, it could be the alignment of the through bolts in relation to the threaded pillars. But if they are well aligned, the through bolts might need to be cut to length as they are usually designed to work with a variety of door widths. Through bolts can have small notches along the length of the thread. These are there as guide points for cutting off the excess.


If these examples are not helpful, would it be possible to take some photos so I can better ascertain what the issue may be?





Home Improvement Guru

Re: How to install Ikonic door knobs?

I get the impression @quiney has the "H and C" style handles @JacobZ 


"one of the knobs doesn’t have the release hole"


Something like this?




Once the handle is off - and looking at the schematic - access to the screws is made simpler. I get the impression @quiney can't get the knob off and is trying to angle a screwdriver past the outer diameter - onto the screw.

Hence the statement - "it’s on a 60degree angle."


But of course, I could be completely wrong


Just Starting Out

Re: How to install Ikonic door knobs?

Hey Jacob


Yeah the removable baseplate is on the doorknob that has the pillars attached so there is really no need to remove that base plate from the knob.  The baseplate where the screw holes are, can’t be removed so I can’t access the screws to tighten them - I have to have the screwdriver at a 60 degree or so angle. So the screwdriver won’t bite properly and it just bores out the screwhead. 





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Ikonic Door Knob Installation

Hi @quiney 


I have a similar doorknob, but it is the privacy set. I ran into the same exact issue. To install the doorknob screws, I suggest manually screwing them in by hand and getting them a slow as possible to the base plate. I then used a Philips screwdriver with a long thin shaft to tighten the screws.


If you need further assistance, please let me know.




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