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How to fix stiff Lockwood window winders?

Getting Established

How to fix stiff Lockwood window winders?

I have a number of hopper windows throughout our house and some of the Stegbar Winder.jpgwinders have become quite stiff to operate. How can I free up the action? Thankyou

Getting Established

Re: Lockwood window winders

Above is the back of the Stegbar Winder. There is a thin metal backing plate secured in 4 places (two shown. They are posts that have been rolled over after fitting the plate.

So I drilled them out to open the unit.

Getting Established

Re: Lockwood window winders

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Getting Established

Re: Lockwood window winders

Above, the internal workings of the unit. The cog to the right is driven by a worm feed. I cleaned everything with kerosine, but the unit remains quite stiff.

I am going to give it a bit of  spray with WD40 with Lithium and put it back on the window. I'll have to use the pressure of the attachment to the window to keep thee backing plate in place.

 My feeling at this stage is that there is no real way of reducing the residual stiffness. It is better than before but not great.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Lockwood window winders

I'd be trying to work some lithium grease into the worm gear and then using it sparingly on the chain @valandi. You'll get a longer lifespan out of that than from the spray products.




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Re: Lockwood window winders

I am in the process of removing and cleaning all my Whitco window winders & have been very successful.  I removed the chain, sprayed with WD40 & left for 30 minutes.  Used a stiff brush (& occasionally a flat screwdriver !) to remove all caked on grease.  After cleaning in hot soapy water (& rinsing well), I manually manipulated every link with a little more WD40 until they moved freely.  The cleaned ones now work like new.  Clearly my problem was the dirty chains.  Only issue was some of the cogs were damaged (limiting how far they open) & I've had black fingernails since 🙄.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Lockwood window winders

Hello @LyndalW 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us.


Thank you for sharing your experience in regards to cleaning your Whitco winders. It's good to hear that you've managed to get them working well. To protect the moving parts of the winder, I suggest using  Kincrome 500g Multipurpose Grease. This will cover and lubricate the parts plus, protect them from exposure to moisture.




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