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How to fix a hollow sound herringbone floorboard?

Finding My Feet

How to fix a hollow sound herringbone floorboard?

Hi Community, I am new here and have a question regarding my engineered timber floor Herringbone project.

It is all going well so far, but after finishing half of the room I found 2 Herringbone boards being hollow and they crack when you walk over it.

All the others are rock solid glued to the concrete.


I found the product „Dritac wood floor repair kit“ - , which seems to be exactly what I need. Unfortunately, this product is only available from overseas as far as my research goes.


I don’t think that this problem does not exist in Australia, but I was unable to find an equivalent product or workaround.


Anyone here who can recommend a similar product available in Australia? That would be much appreciated, as I wanted to fix it rather sooner than later.


Thank you in advance and Merry Christmas!

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix a hollow sound herringbone floorboard?

Hello @FloorLayer 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your engineered timber floor.


I've had a good look and I'm afraid I can't find an equivalent to the DriTac kit you are referring to. The only product that remotely does the same thing is the Timbermate Group 28g PC Super Epoxy Syringe. But it can't be directed into very small spaces as it does not use a steel syringe outlet.


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Community Megastar

Re: How to fix a hollow sound herringbone floorboard?

Good Afternoon @FloorLayer 

😕 I am afraid I dont know of any product that would do the same (tho have filed your indo away as its a good thing to know) 

You may be surrprised at how fast things turn up from OS, I deal with a lot of orders for people from overseas and a solid 90% of the orders arrive unexpectedly fast. Right up to the point of faster then things ordered within Australia and worst case from Sydney to the Gong being slower then from the States to the Gong :smile:


Welcome to the Bunnings community page :smile: Its a good place to ask exactly what you have. If you happen to try another product I would be interested in knowing how it goes :smile:



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to fix a hollow sound herringbone floorboard?

Hi @FloorLayer 


if your after that specific product your can order it from here or from here



Re: How to fix a hollow sound herringbone floorboard?

Thanks for your help and suggestions!

Yes, I am probably going to order it from overseas, even though it will only arrive beginning of Feb, but yeah…


Alternatively, I was thinking of buying a syringe with a proper needle, use the glue I have already and try the same. 
Maybe not made for purpose, but looking promising 😂


But regardless of the proper tools, how would you fix such a hollow sound board when it happens?

Re: How to fix a hollow sound herringbone floorboard?

Afternoon @FloorLayer 

Before reading the product you mentioned I would have thought to lift some tiles (yeah would have made a mess of it) and then refilled the gaps under them with new glue, then put them back down.


That baster might be an answer :smile: Tho I would practice on a spare board away from your flooring first :smile: The baster looks a little more gymical then practical (thinking consistancy of the glue and the pressure involved) But why not give it a go :smile:


Happy Christmas :smile:



Re: How to fix a hollow sound herringbone floorboard?

Hi @FloorLayer,


Regarding how to fix the issue, your best bet would be to reach out to the flooring supplier to discuss the issue. I would suggest that on a new floor, any cracked boards should be removed and replaced, as you typically wouldn't want to repair boards on a new installation.


If you can tell us a little more about the actual issue with the boards, that might help us provide further information. However, the manufacturer of the boards would be the best place to get information on their product. If this were a product you've ordered through us, I'd be more than happy to reach out to the supplier for you.




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