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How to find a tradesperson near you

Community Manager
Community Manager

How to find a tradesperson near you

Many thanks for joining the Bunnings Workshop community. You have joined a friendly, helpful community of people who are happy to roll the sleeves up and get stuck into home improvement projects.


We try to encourage everyone to have a go and will happily provide the advice and support you need. If you need a hand with a project, please don’t hesitate to click on the Start a discussion button. We have plenty of community members keen to share their experience and knowledge.


If you need a tradesperson to assist you, we recommend you try a site like Airtasker or hipages. We sometimes get members on Workshop asking for recommendations for tradespeople in their area, but Workshop is a community for people right across Australia and New Zealand so it is unlikely that there will be a member near you who can recommend someone suitable. It's best to go direct to a site that is designed for that purpose. 


Feel free to reach out any time you need help getting the most from the Workshop site or have any feedback about how we can make Workshop more useful for you.




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Re: who to call to investigate crackling/squeaky noises on wooden floor on our upper floor

Thanks again Mitchell

Community Newcomer

Looking for someone to repaint concrete statue

Jockey StatueIMG_0584.jpg

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Looking for someone to repaint concrete statue

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @gorlar. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about repainting a statue.

Given that there are only a few different colours on the statue and the pattern is not particularly intricate, this is a project that is certainly achievable at home. If you would consider painting it yourself, I trust our members would have plenty of helpful advice and encouragement.

If you were looking for someone to paint the statue for you then you might like to look towards services such as Hipages and Airtasker to link up with that could complete the work.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects