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How to fill gap between window frame and plaster wall?

Just Starting Out

How to fill gap between window frame and plaster wall?

Hi all,


I just noticed a big gap between the window frame and the plaster wall. What should I do to fix this? Thanks!



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Gap between window frame and plaster wall

Hi @tonytr 


The  short answer is nothing at all if the  window frame is solid and the sides look ok too as  it is only visable from the top.


But if you wanted to remedy the situation  use nomore gaps as it is easy to apply and clean up after using a caulking gun.


Tape the top window edge to  keep it clean during appliying no more gaps.


Have fun while your at it check around the room for any other cracks that might use a  gap sealer.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Gap between window frame and plaster wall

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @tonytr. It's great to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about window gaps.

That's just how the window frame has been created, and the trim work has formed this gap. It's no cause for concern unless dust-collecting points are a bugbear of yours. As @Jewelleryrescue mentioned, you could fill the area with caulk or glue it in a small timber moulding to cover the area.

Please let us know if you have any questions.


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