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Hello I'm looking to change the front door and backyard slider door keys/locks.
What cylinder will suit the two doors?
Gainsborough Trilock Contemporary Angular Leverset - Double Cylinder
Double cylinder - key operated deadbolt from either side, plus push-button lockset mode
60mm backset
Backdoor - Gainsborough Black Yarra Ridge Sliding Patio Door Double Cylinder Deadlock
Fits Industry-standard three-hole door cutouts (three 9mm diameter holes)
Fits wide range of door stile thicknesses from 21.3mm to 46.4mm
Thank you
Hi @uncleT,
I've contacted Gainsborough, and they are investigating whether the required cylinders are available. I'll update you as soon as I hear back.
Many thanks for your patience.
Cheers would any 3rd party cylinders work?
That's quite doubtful, @uncleT; even the wrong Gainsborough cylinder won't work.
I've just received a response back from Gainsborough. The part numbers are 2 x PTYR4000/CYLPBK 9312574061983 (double cylinder) and 1 x PT890A/CY60BCK 9312574093076. They can be ordered through your nearest Bunnings store Special Order desk. Please specify that you want them keyed alike.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks Mitchell, I'm not familiar with the setups, but want to clarify why I need 2 x PTYR4000/CYLPBK 9312574061983 (double cylinder) and which door is this one for?
Hi @uncleT,
I was advised that the 2 x PTYR4000/CYLPBK 9312574061983 are for the Gainsborough Trilock Contemporary Angular Leverset as it has a double cylinder.
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