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How to add a flyscreen to louvre windows?

Just Starting Out

How to add a flyscreen to louvre windows?


currently building a hobby room with some louvres in it and want to make a frame on the outside and install fly screen it in

any recommendations on which product to use - was thinking aluminium frame?

cheers Arf 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to add a flyscreen to louvre windows?

Hi @arfa,


Thank you for your question about adding flyscreens to your louvre windows.


I'd also like to extend a warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community; it is fantastic to have you with us.


It would be hard to describe a method of building a frame that sits outside the louvres without seeing them. Is it possible to get some photos of where you want to install the flyscreens? 


Let me know if you need assistance with this, I am more than happy to help.


Once a suitable structure is created for the flyscreens to be installed in, creating and installing custom flyscreens is fairly easy using flyscreen frames


These can be cut to size with a hacksaw and fixed together with Rolltrak Plastic Flyscreen Corner Stakes. You might also like to use a mitre box to get clean mitred corners.


Once the frame is together, you check out How To Replace Flyscreen Mesh for some guidance on the installation process for the flyscreen.


Let me know if you require help uploading images, I'm eager to find a solution for you.




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