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How do I measure the amount of stones I need to cover a seating area in my garden?

Finding My Feet

How do I measure the amount of stones I need to cover a seating area in my garden?

I have an area 3.5x5 that I want to lay 10mm white tuscan stones depth of 20-30mm but I cant work out for much I need.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How many bags required to cover 7.5 sq metres with Tuscan Path 20-80mm 15kg Natural Stone Mix?

Hi @GregTsoi,

As mentioned above, I'd certainly encourage you to check with the helpful team at your local store's Special Order counter. In metro locations, we offer bulk deliver of many types of decorative stones and it would be the most budget-friendly option to have 1 ton delivered.



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