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First Timer DIY Floating Shelf

Hi All!


First time DIYer looking for some advice on a floating table. 


I was wondering if it was possible to install a floating shelf strong enough to hold a PC/Screen using similar design to the floating shelf in this shelf guide;


I was thinking to use something like this laminate top;


and these brackets;


Currently the only tools i have are a Ryobi cordless drill & a stud finder.


Some dumb questions;


Would this be a viable setup?

If no stud is available would this be possible with just plasterboard? 

How do i know how many brackets i might need?


Thanks in advance! 




Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: First Timer DIY Floating Shelf

Welcome to Workshop @Bendt. Great to have another "first timer" join the community. Everybody has to start somewhere! We're looking forward to seeing how your skills, confidence and knowledge can grow (hopefully with plenty of help from the Workshop community along the way). 


Let me tag some very experienced members for you who might like to assist. You might also be inspired by their handiwork.  


@Starkers_17 shared this fantastic floating shelf project


@ProjectPete made this terrific floating desk 


@Tara86 has also shared plenty of similar projects, including D.I.Y. floating shelves and a pallet wood shelf.


Thanks again for joining in the discussion. Please let me know if you ever need assistance getting the most from the site. 




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: First Timer DIY Floating Shelf

My 2 cents worth as you are using a larger panel. 

Load rating of 56kg per pair, across a recommended minimum span or 457mm (18"), and up to 1220mm (48").

Getting Established

Re: First Timer DIY Floating Shelf

Yeah I really like the look of those but they seem a bit more complicated than the L shaped ones. 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: First Timer DIY Floating Shelf

Welcome to the Workshop community @Bendt. Great to have you join us. I’d be happy to assist.


I've had a look at the video you posted and note they are using stayed brackets (an L bracket which has support diagonally across it).


There are larger varieties available such as this Heavy Duty Stay Bracket. These brackets would be suitable to hold the bench, including monitor and PC. You would need to ensure they were installed onto your wall studs as the combined weight would be too heavy for just plasterboard to support.


Let me know if you were thinking of something else and I’d be happy to assist.


Thanks for your question and welcome again to the Workshop community.


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Getting Established

Re: First Timer DIY Floating Shelf

Thanks for your feedback! I ended up going with Carinya;


With a much lighter and smaller tabletop than I originally planned as a kind of test run. 


So far I'm pretty confident it's sturdy but gonna leave a couple of old text books on it for a few days before I paint it and setup the PC hehe. 


Unfortunately I can't seem to post a photo right now, i'll try again later!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: First Timer DIY Floating Shelf

Let me know if you need a hand with uploading a photo @Bendt. I'd be happy to assist. 


Looking forward to seeing your shelf.




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Getting Established

Re: First Timer DIY Floating Shelf

Looks like it works now!


IMG_1864.jpg IMG_1866.jpg

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: First Timer DIY Floating Shelf

Great job @Bendt. Well done.


Looking forward to seeing your next project! Let us know if you need a hand with anything. 




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