Finding My Feet

Building a murphy bed



i want to build the murphy bed like this is L shaped which doesnt need any mountings. I am a newbie with this kinds of work. I haven't done this kinds of project so i am not sure how to start. I have no idea like what kind of tools and parts do i need. Would be great if someone could guide me with this project.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: building a murphy bed

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @salin. It's fabulous to have you join us and many thanks for your question.


The action of a murphy bed being pulled out and away from the wall results in a certain amount of force being placed on the cabinet. If the cabinet is not fixed to the wall then there is the chance it might pull over as well. I believe by design the cabinet needs to be fixed to the wall and I can't personally see a way around that.


Let me mention some knowledgeable members @TedBear, @JDE, @r23on, @Stuardo, @Kermit and @redracer01 to see if they would like to join the conversation.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Building a murphy bed

It can be done. How, depends on what your other uses for the area are, because it will need to be supported when upright by some attached "objects" in the area. One way would be to make a seat/sofa (or storage box) in front of the bed area (when it's folded up). This will help to hold it (stabilise it) when upright & become under it when folded down. An alternative might be to include bookcase sides that will hold it up when folded up. I think the box/seat may be the safest option. I hope this description makes sense.

Re: Building a murphy bed

Thanks for the suggestion. I found a way where we can do it without mounting it. I have to make the L shaped frame. So that it stays stable without anyountings. I have posted some pictures. Have al look

Amassing an Audience

Re: Building a murphy bed

Hi from an engineering prospective and looking at the photos you are going to need a bit metal fabrication work. The RHS is easy enough to get for the frame work and the pivoting / locking arms. The arms will need shaping so they slide past each other and are formed on heavy press. Before venturing into making your own Have a look at this link for further ideas. Best of luck in your project  also here is an Australian link where you can get the parts in Aust. It all so has a full set of instruction on how to

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