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BatteryNot working

Finding My Feet

BatteryNot working

BatteryNot working IMG_3416.jpegIMG_3415.jpeg

Community Megastar

Re: BatteryNot working

Afternoon @Anonyamann 

Could you provide some more information please?

Is the problem the battery base after being charged for a period of time dosnt turn green?

The battery wont hold a charge?

The battery dosnt charge at all?

Is it new or an old battery/base?


I would suggest to take it back to the store you purchased it from and have a talk with them. I know ozito equipment has warranties on them (not sure on the batteries tho) but they will be able to point you in the right direction


@EricL will have more information.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: BatteryNot working

Hello @Anonyamann 


If it is brand new or recently purchased and is not working properly, I suggest bringing it back to the store where you purchased it from, please make sure to bring your docket. Please make sure to bring the charger as well so that everything can be assessed.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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