Cultivating a Following

Backroom renovations well underway

Well, this is what has been keeping me from my great passion, fishing but we must keep the homestead safe and secure and the wife happy. So, we bought this place 8 months ago all ready to retire and sit back. But no, first heavy rain and the roof on the backroom leaked and got worse as the night progressed. The next day I investigated the roof inside and out and found several contributing factors that lead to the roof failing to do its job, keeping out the weather.

The main reason for the failing of the roof was poor workmanship and second bad choice of materials, as I continued to look at the roof and try to figure out the best way to fix the problem it soon became evident the only way to do it properly was to make some major changes in the construction of the supporting brick work and reroof the entire room, sounds drastic but definitely the easiest way to go.

As you will see in the photos a description of each step and future photos as this renovation comes along, I hope my ideas and way I have tackled this problem helps others, yes it's a big job for one person but it can be done. My advise to anyone doing this sort of reno don't cut corners seek advise as I did and have a go yourself if you feel confident, we stand to save $10,000 by doing it myself but the trade off is it will take me a lot longer than if I contracted a company to do it for me, I am lucky in that I have no children at home and I can still secure the main house when we go out. I'll keep you all posted on my progress and feel free to ask me any questions, I am not a builder just D.I.Y. and a little common sense. Thanks for reading.


Cultivating a Following

Backroom renovations well underway

Cultivating a Following

Backroom renovations well underway

Cultivating a Following

Backroom renovations well underway


Cultivating a Following

Backroom renovations well underway

Cultivating a Following

Backroom renovations well underway


Cultivating a Following

Backroom renovations well underway

Cultivating a Following

Backroom renovations well underway

Cultivating a Following

Backroom renovations well underway

Cultivating a Following

Backroom renovations well underway


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