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10 chicken coops and nesting boxes

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Community Manager

Hero chicken coop.png


Nothing beats fresh eggs from your own backyard chickens.


Many Bunnings Workshop community members have built terrific homes for their chickens with space to roam freely and lay eggs.


Get inspiration from the following projects and let us know if we can help with your own build.


1. Barn-style chicken coop with gravity feeder by @NathanMorrow 


A barn-style chicken coop build using recycled pallet timber that can be easily dismantled for transport.


Barn-style chicken coop with gravity feeder.jpg


2. Chicken coop deluxe by @DIYJT11 


Built off the ground for protection from foxes, ease of cleaning, and simple egg collection, this coop also features an automated door to allow the chickens to roam around the backyard during the day. 


Chicken coop deluxe.jpg


3. D.I.Y. chicken coop with verandah by @Caron 


Caron's chicken coop has a 3m run, a cafe blind, a verandah and screening for extra weather protection.


D.I.Y. chicken coop with verandah.png


4. Chicken coop with automatic door by @darylhewston 


A PVC pipe chimney allows heat to escape and a hinged lid makes cleaning this chicken coop easy. Daryl also designed and installed a clever automatic chicken coop door opener.


darly chicken coop.png


5. Coop with 4m run by @mich1972 


Michelle houses her six chickens in a metal chicken coop with a 4m x 4m reo mesh run. A concrete-slab floor makes the coop rodent and fox-proof and the happy hens lay under their wide Pine perch alongside fragrant and calming lavender.


Michelles chickens.png


6. Chicken coop with Bunnings theme by @TheSaltyreefer 


A creative chicken coop built using leftover materials, giving the chooks a place to perch by the window.


SaltyReefer coophouse 1.png


7. Chicken nesting box by @Wayne 


Experienced member Wayne built a chicken nesting box using recycled pallet timber, plywood from crates and MDF pieces.


Wayne nesting box.png


8. Chicken coop using recycled materials by @pepsp 


Bunnings Workshop member pepsp created this chook house with recycled weatherboards, decking offcuts, recycled bearers and an old laundry door.


Chicken coop using recycled materials.png


9. Chicken coop with enclosure by @timjeffries 


Tim built an enclosure around this coop so his chickens can roam free while staying safe from predators and out of the garden.


Tim coop.png


10. Chicken laying box using recycled pantry  by @jennyweston 


A broken cupboard was saved from landfill and upcycled into a chicken laying box.


Chicken laying box using recycled pantry.png


How to build a chicken coop


How to build a chicken coop.jpeg


Build your own chicken coop with this step-by-step guide from the Bunnings team: How to build a D.I.Y. chicken coop.


If you need a hand with building your own chicken coop, please don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help. 


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