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Help for outdoor home improvement projects
Community Newcomer

I want to purchase the Gasmate double burner camping stove: the yellow one with the wind-guards. I am finding it confusing to choose the correct gas b ...

Community Newcomer

I have a Gardena roll up 20m reel I want to fit it to the exterior of my timber frame house. The mounting bracket has the screw holes 58mm apart, but ...

Just Starting Out
11 replies

I have a rental that the tennants have moved out, and its time for me to fix 20 years of their damage... Its almost done - except for this one - what ...

Just Starting Out
3 replies

Hi team I've been roped into volunteering for the local primary school to do something about seating. They currently have concrete blocks with compo ...

Growing in Experience
3 replies

Hi all, I need your advice on refixing the metal sheet back to the concrete wall. There were 2 nails holding the metal sheet to the wall. However, t ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hey everyone, thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. I have a fence that has started to lean a bit to the outside, I suspect it is bec ...

Community Newcomer
1 reply

what do you suggest to clean up white ceramic outdoor tiles that have stains close to the grout and have yellowed ?

Finding My Feet
1 reply

Hi there, I have a traditional roof tile (I think they are of cement but am not sure of a specific name for it). I would like to put some oil or pai ...

Just Starting Out
5 replies

Just Starting Out
4 replies

Hello,Can I use my OnePass membership to get free delivery on your YES4PETS 158 cm Large Bird Cage Parrot Budgie Aviary With Stand?Regards,Damian

Just Starting Out
4 replies

My deck was finished today and I believe I need to leave it to the elements for 4-6 weeks. After that I know I need to oil it. Do I have to clean it ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hi all! As you can see in the photo attached, I have replaced some old merbau decking with new lengths and now it's time to sand back the old merbau d ...

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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects