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How to weather new Merbau or rejuvenate old Merbau?

Community Newcomer

How to weather new Merbau or rejuvenate old Merbau?

Hi all!

As you can see in the photo attached, I have replaced some old merbau decking with new lengths and now it's time to sand back the old merbau decking and re-oil it. My original plan was to sand back everything (new lengths included) and give it two coats of oil, however I believe the new lengths will remain a different shade and look odd.

Is there any process or product I can use to make sure that the new and old merbau match each other? 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to weather new merbau (or rejuvenate old merbau)

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Locky. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about coating Merbau decking.

The older section is quite weathered and adds to the difference in colour. Once you've sanded it back, that will remove most of the greyed look and restore it to its natural colouring. It will then be much closer to the new timber. I'd then recommend you use a Merbau tinted oil such as Cabot's 4L Merbau Aquadeck Exterior Decking Oil. This contains Merbau-shaded colourant, which will once again help blend the new and old.


I'd recommend that you sand the whole lot and then oil everything. There will still be a slight colour difference, but it will be much less dramatic than in your image. It will likely blend in over the next couple of years to look the same.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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