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Help for outdoor home improvement projects
Community Newcomer
1 reply

  hi all, I need to extend my pipe due to the rain water not all getting caught. which pipe do I need?

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hi there, i'm building an outdoor bench/cupboard to put my BBQ on and also includes a cavity for my bar fridge. I have made it out of treated pine wit ...

Community Newcomer
1 reply

We are ready to start renovating the outdoor area and want to start with the patio ceiling and potentially clad the brick walls. A clean modern Hampto ...

Community Newcomer
1 reply

I was putting up a bistro blind I screwed the bolts in but forgot to put one of the pull strings over and when I went to loosen the screw the bolt won ...

Community Newcomer
1 reply

What product can I use to stop loss of water between the plastic dish where the hydrostatic concrete plug sitting in and the concrete.

Community Newcomer

I need to replace the cord on my Kleva umbrella is their assistance within Bunnings to do this

Community Newcomer
1 reply

This is kind of a small overspray on to the timber. I've tried scraping, sanding, solvent with no luck. The intumescent is 100% volume solids.

Getting Established
3 replies

My section is higher than the neighbours and I have garden beds on our shared fence line. My land and therefore, my garden is higher than the bottom ...

Just Starting Out
3 replies

I have recently replaced the barrel lock into our Lockwood security door. The cam is in the right position however the centre locking hook will not go ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Can I use composite decking such as ekodeck as platform of my garden water tank 6000L. I was thinking to use the merbau solid wood but I wanted a pre ...

Community Newcomer
2 replies

My driveway is lower than the neighbour side. The concreter has poured near to the boundary fence as shown on photo. What would you suggest to do the ...

Finding My Feet
4 replies

Loved my first ever landscaping work! improvement ideas are very welcome!

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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects