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How to loosen a bolt head thats stuck?

Community Newcomer

How to loosen a bolt head thats stuck?

I was putting up a bistro blind I screwed the bolts in but forgot to put one of the pull strings over and when I went to loosen the screw the bolt won’t come out as the socket or spinners won’t grip the head of the bolt as it’s been screwed just a little too far into the wood is there a way I can fix this so I can get access to the bolt again so I can loosen it thank you 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how to loosen a bolt head thats stuck

Hi @Johno1990,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is wonderful to have you with us.


Could we get a photo of the bolt? This would help our members see the issue and offer advice based on your specific circumstances.


Is there any way to widen the opening around the bolt? Is there timber that can be chipped away to gain access?


You could try melting a hot glue stick and attaching it to the top of the bolt to get some purchase so you can rotate it off. 


You could also try super gluing another bolt to the top of the existing bolt so you can rotate it off.


As a last resort, you could drill a hole in the top of the bolt then use a screw extractor to remove the bolt. This should be used as a last resort as it would likely destroy the bolt and require you to replace it.


Let me know what you think, and if you'd like further guidance, please don't hesitate to ask.




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