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Why is my Bermuda couch seed going purple?

Growing in Experience

Why is my Bermuda couch seed going purple?

Laid some new Bermuda Couch seed about 4 weeks ago.

Most of it has established nicely but some of it is going purple.

Does anyone have any idea why? I have been watering it twice a day for the last 4 weeks.


Green Couch.jpgPurple Couch.jpg


It has germinated quite patchy although that is to be expected with some large storms coming through just after it was sown.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why is my Bermuda couch seed going purple?

Hi @Scottydont85,


It sounds like your Bermuda couch seed is establishing well overall, but the purple colouring is definitely worth noting. Bermuda grass turning purple can be caused by several factors, most commonly environmental stress, nutrient deficiencies, or temperature fluctuations.


Given that you’ve been watering it twice a day and had some large storms come through after sowing, it's possible that waterlogging or overly wet conditions may be stressing the grass. Excessive moisture can prevent the roots from accessing oxygen, leading to poor nutrient uptake, which could explain the purple tint. It’s also worth considering that Bermuda grass can sometimes show a purple hue when temperatures dip, especially during the early stages of growth.


Another possibility is a phosphorus deficiency, as this nutrient is essential for early root development in grass. A lack of phosphorus can cause grass to turn purple, especially when the seed is young and trying to establish.


To help your Bermuda couch recover, I’d suggest cutting back on watering slightly, particularly if the soil is staying damp for long periods. 


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: Why is my Bermuda couch seed going purple?

Thanks Mitchell,


I have a feeling you might be right about the phosphorus deficiency. The areas where the grass is going really well are getting plenty of water but are on the flat areas, where the purple patches are on a slope and I suspect a lot of the good top soil washed away with the heavy rain right after sowing.


would a product like

Help to bring the soil nutrients back to where they need to be?


Thanks again for your help


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why is my Bermuda couch seed going purple?

Hello @Scottydont85 


Using Seasol 2 x 2L Ready To Use Lawn Fertiliser will definitely help your lawn. But I would follow Mitchell's advice and that is to let the soil dry off first, otherwise the nutrients won't be absorbed by the lawn. 


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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