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When to recharge batteries for Ryobi tools?

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When to recharge batteries for Ryobi tools?

When I am using my Ryobi cordless power tools, When do I recharge my Batters please? Just before I use them or as soon as they are empty/Flat? I have been told to run them fully flat before I recharge them. I got 2 18V an one 36 V . 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Roybi Family

Hi @GetNotted123 


A battery has limited cycles 2000 as a guide before it starts losing capacity so yes  fully use battery before recharge if you like if you have standby battery ready to go/


But fully discharging your battery also is a slight bummer to the battery too depending if has a built in battery managment system so To discharge fully or  not is the question.


Ultimately there is no real difference.

How  do i use my cordless drill I use it over and over until it is dead flat  then use my back up battery and go again.  

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Roybi Family

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @GetNotted123. It's fabulous to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about about lithium batteries.

There is no need to fully discharge and run flat your batteries before charging. Recharge them when you need to. Typically, after a decent use of them, pop them back on charge, and they'll be ready for the next time you need them. Lithium batteries hold their charge, so I tend to recharge after use and then leave them fully charged for the next use.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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