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What paint to use for a footpath mural?

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What paint to use for a footpath mural?

Hi Team,

We are proposing to make a footpath mural of a Rainbow Serpent (snake) outside our Childcare center to slow the children down to stop them running to the carpark.

We are planning to use spray paint and for the mural for to be 12mt + long with ABC or 123 in center segments - a bit like Hop Scotch. 

We want to spray it ourselves quickly without having a long drying time, and want it to last on the footpath up to 12months. 

What type of paint and brand would you recommend for the project. 

Many thanks,



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What paint to use for a footpath mural?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Vanessat. It's marvellous to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about painting a mural.

For a 12-month period, you'd likely find any standard spray paint would work. I know I have overspray on my concrete patio from a project that is still present a year later. However, you could find it lasts much longer or is even permanent unless removed chemically with a paint stripper. Did you only want it there for a year?

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: What paint to use for a footpath mural?

Hi MitchellMC,

Thankyou for your advice.

Our plan is to maybe update the mural over time or change it completely depending on the children's interest. As its a busy foot traffic area being able to make modifications would be beneficial. But since there has been nothing in the area before we will have to experiment and see what we can do.

We really appreciate your advice.

Kind regards,



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