Making a Splash

Raised twin dog bowl

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Raised twin dog bowl

Looks fantastic @WoodenGregsWood. Many thanks for sharing. 


You might be interested to see a similar project that one of our resident woodworkers @Wayne built - Dog bowl feeding station. There's also a different design built into a dog bed from the Bunnings D.I.Y. team here - D.I.Y. dog feeding station.


I'm looking forward to seeing more of your projects soon. You obviously have some fantastic skills and experience. I hope you will also be inspired by the projects shared by other Workshop community members. 


Welcome to the community,



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Finding My Feet

Re: Raised twin dog bowl

 is there a plans to build this

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Raised twin dog bowl

Hi @Skinny1,


Many thanks for joining in the discussion. I'm glad to see you have been inspired by this project and want to build your own. I'm sure @WoodenGregsWood will be able to share some tips with you. Otherwise there's full instructions for building an alternate design from the Bunnings D.I.Y. team here - D.I.Y. dog feeding station.


Welcome to Workshop and I look forward to reading more about your projects and plans.



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Making a Splash

Re: Raised twin dog bowl

Tired of having our 2 dogs tipping over their dog bowls, spilling their food everywhere and making a mess, I put together this raised twin dog bowl.


The dogs love it and it’s a nice piece of doggy furniture.


Made from pine, stained and sealed with a couple of coats of clear poly.

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