The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.
Removed existing hedges replaced with artificial to reduce up keep and cost
Demolished and removal of existing hedges removal, construct scaffolding over pool
Prefabricated hardwood panels, frame construction using 3m sleepers, wire mesh, and c -clips to hang hedges, Holman's plug and play lighting, with Bluetooth, marine plywood and rusting paint, coach bolts all materials supplied by Bunnings in NSW. Backyard included, outdoor cinema, putt putt green, water feature, cool misting, night club lasers, smoke machines with JBL sound system
Milwaukee hand tools, makita drop saw, craft work General tools, ozito cordless spray gun,
Solved! See most helpful response
Hello @aunt_nette
Let me tag @Nishan1 to make them aware of your questions. Looking at the projects that they have posted, it appears that Nishan1 has a bit of experience with D.I.Y.
Are you planning your own front yard project? if you are please don't forget to post an update. I'm sure our members would be keen to see what you're working on.
My first time by myself 8 months, level of difficulty 10, building over a pool with make shift scaffolding, just keeping motivated took a lot, definitely a labour of love
Thanks buddy
Why Seven..?
Bunnings pre fab panels, cut in seat and 15 mm.aluminium bent letters floating off hegge
Trenching to ensure and water disapaites
Treated in black stain
Hinged electric bannana seat support giving a floating look
Not the easiest shape and also added difficulty trying to give the appearance of floating
The tough days when you question why
My putt putt night golf hole with return
A d then finally this is why
Structure gaining strength and form
Single post supports burried deep
Screens from bunnings staggered
Polishing up old brass lights from existing pool lights retro fitted with Holman's led system from bunnings
My name chiselled out and backlit
Pool feature constructed from marine plywood mounted on galvanised steel frame, lettering cut with a jigsaw saw aged with rusting paint and airbrushed detailing, led lighting and visual flame machines also added for visual testing mounted for testingAdditional pictures
Trenching out return for putt putt
Using drainage pvc pipes for free return of golf balls
Setting fall and hole position
Holman's lights mounted in off cuts from stump behind pond area, good way of hiding light source when directing the focus on a feature
Lifting sign into position and mounting to frame work
Testing lights at night to determine position and angles
Thanks Eric appreciate it buddy
Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects
We would love to help with your project.
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