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Paling warping

Anyone have experience glueing back paling? Would Gorilla Glue hold it back in place?



Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Paling Warping

Hi @mike88,


Welcome to Workshop. It's great to have you join the community.


I suspect that fence palings warping over time is a common problem so I'm sure there will be plenty of interest in this topic. 


Let me tag a few helpful members in @Brad@r23on@ProjectPete@Prof and @Noyade to see what they would do.


Feel free to post anytime you need a hand or have a project to share. 




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Amassing an Audience

Re: Paling Warping

Why not just screw them back in place.?

Getting Established

Re: Paling Warping

Hi @Prof  - thanks for the response; warping alongside the adjoining palings not the rail and overlap of palings isn't much hence trying to avoid screws.

Amassing an Audience

Re: Paling Warping

Ah..I see what you mean..bit of a tricky one..I'm thinking that there's nothing really suitable for a permanent cure..

Once palings are warped there's not much you can do except replace them...

Home Improvement Guru

Re: Paling Warping

"overlap of palings isn't much hence trying to avoid screws."


Hi Mike

Overlaping as seen in No.1?

Are some of the boards bending sideways as in No.2?

All I can think of is screwing all the top ends of the boards into a piece of wood at the back - and painting the exposed unpainted edges.

But it still probably won't look that good. 😞



Home Improvement Guru

Re: Paling Warping

The power of pine warping.

Seen at the delivery end of the local Bunnings store...



Getting Established

Re: Paling Warping

Thanks @Noyade - good illustrations, exactly like No. 1. I am able to push them back, hence I was thinking of using strong wood glue (with a clamps until dry). 

Amassing an Audience

Re: Paling Warping

Hi in the past I have used polyurethane adhesives which works well, however like all treated pine no matter what you do warping will take place.

I take it the fence is treated pine? The other factor is that the fencing is cut so thin hence warping is common. I have noticed in some places in NSW the palings are around 10mm thick reducing some warping.

hope this helps

Getting Established

Re: Paling Warping

Thanks @r23on - yes the fence is treated pine, think you are spot on the palings are to thin.

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