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Mobile herb and vegie trolley using pallets



Pallet timber  (free) for the planting boxes.

Merbau timber 70mm x 19mm, (pre oiled).

4 Castor wheels - 2 Braked and 2 Non braked.

Screws for mounting wheels 

Wood Glue (Wellbond) for the pallet timber.

Polyurethane glue for the pre oiled merbau.

Screws for assembly.

Weedmat material for inside of boxes to protect the wooden boxes

Fixing clips for weed mat.


Router table for cutting box joints on pallet timber

Router for biscuit joining merbau timber.

Drill for assembly.

Mitre saw.

Various clamps.



Step 1


Pallet box size,520mm x 540mm x 200mm

Cut pallet wood to suit boxes.

Using router table, cut out the box joints.









Next Step

Step 2


Glue and clamp boxes.




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Step 3


Cut to size the base timber for each box, leaving gaps for drainage.




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Step 4


Cut the merbau timber for the trolley

Cut out biscuit joints.

Clamp all timber using polyurethane glue, I found that the wood glue wasn't suitable due to the pre oiled timber.





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Step 5


Install castors.




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Step 6


Cut and fit weed mat into boxes.

Paint trolley and and boxes with decking oil.

Fill planters with potting mixture.

Plant seedlings and seeds, then wait for the magic to happen and follow the sun.




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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Mobile Herb/Vegie trolley

Hello @JoeAzza 


Thank you very much for sharing the steps on how you built your herb trolley. There's nothing like fresh vegetables that you grew yourself. Once it's ready for harvest you just step outside and grab it straight off the growing trolley. I love that you've placed castors on it, it certainly will make it easy to move around especially if you are after the sun.


I look forward to seeing the first harvest.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Mobile herb and vegie trolley using pallets

I love this and can’t wait to see what you harvest. It’s amazing what you can create with pallets !!!! 😊🌿

Becoming a Leader

Re: Mobile herb and vegie trolley using pallets

You've definitely got the diy bug @JoeAzza!!  That's a beautiful piece of work.  Its given me some ideas for my planting plans come spring.  Are you going to utilise the bottom shelf for shallow rooted plants as well?   And please tell me the need for weed matting in a planter box?  

Cheers 🤗

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Mobile herb and vegie trolley using pallets

@Tyro , That’s what happens when you retire, keeping busy😀.

I used the weed mat, to protect the inside of the pallet wood, hopefully the timber won’t deteriorate too quickly.

Becoming a Leader

Re: Mobile herb and vegie trolley using pallets

Well I've got to say @JoeAzza that I hadn't thought of that at all!  May I ask how come you went with that choice rather than builder's plastic?  

(I'm also retired but my plant collection looks like it's going to take over the house and bury me alive! 😂)

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Mobile herb and vegie trolley using pallets

Hi @Tyro I had some weed mat left from another planter box project, installed approximately 3 years ago, so far no problem, not sure how long it will last.

Becoming a Leader

Re: Mobile herb and vegie trolley using pallets

Hi again @JoeAzza!  I haven't explored using biscuit joints, but your use of them has triggered my curiosity.  It looks like a specialised tool is necessary, is that right?  And what benefit are biscuit joints over dowel pegs?

Thanks!  🤗

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Mobile herb and vegie trolley using pallets

@Tyro  I use a Ryobi biscuit joiner to align pieces of timber whilst gluing them, I do welling in a bit stronger, however, I think the glue is doing most of the work,

You could use a small trimmer/router and a jig to make your own slots for biscuit joining. I made one, copied from YouTube.



Becoming a Leader

Re: Mobile herb and vegie trolley using pallets

You are far too clever for words @JoeAzza !  Are you an ex-engineer with too much time on your hands or something?! 😂  Your photos make it look so easy, and I thank you for uploading them, but I think I'll just stick with dowel.  I think I know how to use that!  I'm already wondering where I'm going to store all my new tools and implements, and I haven't even got the router yet!  😉

By the way, are you planning on putting any  netting over your plant boxes?  If so, which type do you think works?

Cheers 🤗

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