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what is best product to treat hole shot on weeping rose cherry
Hi @shadow2007
I will tag your message so others will see it and help if they know the answer,
Sorry I cant help
Sorry to read about your infected weeping rose cherry, @shadow2007. Let me tag our garden experts @Noelle and @mich1972 for their thoughts on how to treat it.
Let me also extend a warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. Please don't hesitate to post anytime you have a question or need a hand getting the most out of the site. Our wonderful members will be happy to assist.
Good morning @shadow2007 it is hard to tell by your picture if it’s shot hole disease OR chewed up by a tiny grub , in the East Coast there is Cherry Slug I think it is , not here in Perth. I’m not sure to be honest, I’m going to tag the brilliant @Noelle to get her expert advice on this one.
Could you please share another photo if possible.
Edit : I was thinking Grasshoppers as well as they nearly demolished our Mulberry a couple of years ago.
If it is Shot Hole Disease, then you will need to treat it with Copper Oxychloride. This is a really good fungicide.
Hi @shadow2007
Shot hole is a disease that usually affects apricot trees and fruits - I've not heard of it attacking cherries (ornamental or fruiting). The damage is not consistent with cherry slug either. In my opinion, the small brown spots look rather like burns, such as hot sun through droplets of water, and the holes are where the dead sections drop out, rather than any insect or disease symptom.
The skeletonising of the leaves is most likely a chewing pest of some sort - caterpillar or, as @mich1972 suggests, grasshoppers or similar.
Hi @shadow2007,
It's brilliant to see our knowledgeable gardening experts have provided their thoughts. If you did wish to treat the plant with Copper Oxychloride as if it had Shot Hole Disease, the only product I know with that as the active constituent would be Yates 250g Leaf Curl Spray.
I'd consider the other possibilities of a chewing insect or leaf burn. You might like to apply Mavrik and water only at the soil level on hot days.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Hello @Mim29
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us and thanks for sharing your question regarding your weeping rose cherry tree.
You've applied the white oil and pyrethrin and this should keep the bugs away. But if these sprays don't improve the health of your plant there might be other factors at play. The possible reasons for for your tree to wilt and dry off can range from not having enough nutrients in the soil, poor watering schedule, heat stress, and disease.
I suggest having a look at this discussion - Weeping cherry trees dying? by @Meloncat. If your plant is suffering from heat stress, I suggest putting some bamboo stakes around it and covering the plant with some shade sail. If your plant is still very young it might require more water or perhaps the opposite if you've been having very heavy rain in your area.
It's also worth contemplating on when was the last time you applied fertilizer or manure around the plant. These are some of the things you'll need to take into consideration. How old is your plant? Are the other plants in the area suffering from the same symptoms. Any other information you can share with us regarding your plant's health will help us make a better diagnosis.
If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.
Thanks EricL for the warm welcome and the advice.
The tree has been moved from the front garden to a pot because I felt the salt air and wind was too harsh for it. It is only one year old. Since being moved, the wind knocked the pot over (I didn't think that was possible because it was a heavy pot, but there you go). I have given been looking at it and only just yesterday decided to give it some Seasol. None of the other plants nearby or even out the front of the house where it first lived, are affected. This is however the 2nd Weeping cherry I've purchased since moving to Safety Beach. The first died of a similar issue... not sure if the salt air and wind might just be too harsh for this type of tree. All the other plants and trees in my garden are thriving and absolutely beautiful. Would love your opinion on weeping cherries and whether they can handle the salt air and wind. Attached are some of photos of my garden.West facing front garden
In the centre of this area is where my weeping cherry was and it wasn't happy, so it moved to a pot.
West facing front
South side path
Weeping japanese maple - south side
Back East
South corner
North-East corner
Other North -East corner
Beautiful garden, @Mim29!
I haven't been able to find any information that would provide evidence to suggest the salt-laden air would be causing this issue. But, that might just be because it's not a readily occurring issue.
Let me mention @Noelle to see if they've come across this issue before or have something to add to the discussion.
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