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How to replace window infills with brick?

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How to replace window infills with brick?

Hi all,


How are things?


I'm after some info on how I could go about replacing the fc sheet window infills with brick infills; it's a relatively new build, and not a huge fan of how the painted sheet looks above window sill, so I'm thinking of replacing that with brick,

(See attached reference image off Google for locations)


1. Could it be done?


2. How much of a hassle will it be?


Appreciate your help!






Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Window Infill Conversion

Hi @JayBee05,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, and thank you for your question.


Yes, it can be done, but it is likely more costly and difficult than you'd expect.


When bricks are installed over openings such as doors or windows, they require a Steel Lintel that sits on the bricks on either side of the opening. The lintel supports the weight of the brick above and transfers it outward into the bricks on either side of the window, which transfer the load down into the foundation. This ensures the weight doesn't bear down on the window, which can affect the operation and integrity of windows. Have a look at How To Install a Lintel and How To Cut a Brick Wall Opening for an example of a lintel being installed to support an opening in a brick wall.


It is likely possible, but the reality is you will need to speak with an engineer to ensure the materials used are suitable to support the load from the bricks above as well as the weight of the roof bearing down on those bricks.


If you'd like to go ahead with this project, I suggest speaking with a structural engineer for their assistance. They will likely need to supply plans for submission to your local council for building approval.


Allow me to tag @Nailbag, who may be able to share some insight into altering structural elements in brick homes like in his project Formal entrance created using single car garage.


Let me know what you think.




Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Window Infill Conversion

Hi @JayBee05 


it would be quite a project to infill all those sections. Besides the important points @JacobZ highlighted like the need for lentils over each window, each adjoining half brick would need to be removed. Then an exact match batch colour of bricks installed by a bricklayer to give any chance if a seamless finish. 

I don’t disagree the FC panels look on the plain side. But a couple of very simply solutions would be to either paint them the same colour as the window frames. Or I would fix Merbau screen battens horizontally with a small gap in between and make a creature out of them. I would still paint the FC the window frame colour 



Re: Window Infill Conversion

@JacobZ  @Nailbag I owe you guys a round of beer and more..Truly appreciate you taking the time out to outline the steps and procedures..I might look at the Merbau option for now..but definitely a lesson learnt situation..


Really glad to be a part of this community and hopefully I get to help out a fellow enthusiast..


PS. The end product of the front entrance project of @Nailbag is absolutely stunning..

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Window Infill Conversion

Hi @JayBee05 


So glad we could be of help and please share the photos of the final result. And of course thanks very much for the compliment 🙏



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