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How to remove stains on tiles?

Making a Splash

How to remove stains on tiles?

Hello WB,


I have cleaned the stain (as shown in below image) using pressure washer and it is not getting removed.


The source of the stain is from burning a camphor.




Are there ways which I can try for removing the stain. (E.g. Chemical clean, abrase and repaint)





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Stains on Tiles

Hi @nagumuthu


Here are a couple of previous topics on this subject that you might like to read through:




I'd also recommend you have a look at this Best Advice article on What's the best way to clean outdoor pavers?


If these are burn marks or the stain has impregnated the tile's surface, then they will be difficult to remove. It would be best to start with the least aggressive stain removal method before moving on to more potent chemicals. Start by trying dishwasher liquid in warm water and a scrubbing brush. You could try micro-abrasion, and these eraser pads would be excellent for that. Make sure to do a test section in an inconspicuous location to make sure they don't scratch your tile.


Please let me know how you go.




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