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How to reconnect gully and waste drain?

Finding My Feet

How to reconnect gully and waste drain?

all my plumbing waste pipes appear to have overflow relief gullies with them. Due to root intrusion into the side yard I've had to remove the clay connector and concrete mound here and will remove the roots around the plumbing shown in the photo. There's no indication of cracking further down so I'm just focusing on this area. Looking to simply connect the white waste pipe (from kitchen sink) directly to the clay drain (currently shown with grate on top) as I understand it's excess to overflow relief gully (ORG) needs and I have lower ones anyway and space is also at a premium here.

What do I need to do this and how do I do it?

The plumber made it sound complicated and expensive. I need the simple and cheap version. also open to retaining the ORG here but it is excess to needs and I just need it to be simple and affordable - something I can do myself with a trip to Bunnings for supplies.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how to bring this plumbing back together - excess gully & waste drain

Hi @vfd123,


Thank you for your question.


Unfortunately, any time plumbing is connected to a council asset, in this case, the council wastewater system, then the work must be conducted by a licenced plumber.


They will be able to provide a solution that is up to code.


Let me know if there is anything else I can assist with.




Re: how to bring this plumbing back together - excess gully & waste drain

sorry this isn't council connected it is within property & connects to waste within property

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how to bring this plumbing back together - excess gully & waste drain

Hi @vfd123,


What @JacobZ means is that the sewer pipe leaves your property and is controlled by the council. In simpler terms, this is considered plumbing work requiring you to enlist a plumber's services to complete it. Homeowners are not able to complete their own plumbing work.

In regards to your questions on complexity, it would be considered a reasonably complex job to connect the existing waste pipe to the terracotta pipe. A junction would need to be installed into the terracotta pipe to allow the waste pipe to be connected to it. As terracotta pipe is no longer used, there are limited connection methods. I suspect the easiest option would be to remove the inspection outlet and the last length of the terracotta pipe and then replace it all with PVC pipe and a new outlet. Now that a portion of the terracotta pipe has been replaced, a junction can be installed in the new PVC pipe for your waste pipe to connect into.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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