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How to paint metal balustrade?

Finding My Feet

How to paint metal balustrade?

Hi there,
I am looking to paint the front porch balustrade of my 1968 build unit. Paint is flaking off and there are areas of rust so would need to remove and prepare prior to starting with a paint primer.


What is the best way to go about doing this?


Which method is considered best to give a professional and long-lasting finish, a brush or spray? I would say it is too small and fiddly to use a roller. 

Please see photos below. 

Many thanks

Community Megastar

Re: Best way to paint metal/iron balustrade

Good Evening @Susan19 

:smile: A warm welcome to the community and really you have started off with a very doable restore job!

I remember restoring my grandmas hand railing exactly like yours as wel as two places with metal posts in the concrete. The footings of the posts look great, the handrails look good (even with that rust)


So a wire brush, a paint scrapper and go to town on the rust.

Scrape, chip and brush away. Id even use some wet and dry sandpaper cut into strips to sand the paint, removing any that is flaky and smoothing out edges.


Then the same day you sand the metal and chip the rust away you should paint it with a rust converter. Dy-Mark 350g MetalPro Rust Converter There is also a paint on option White Knight Rust Guard Medium Grey Metal Primer Paint - 0.5L 

I have used both styles and prefer the paint on as I dont feel like I am wasting paint by spraying.


Once you have followed the drying instructions then its time to paint the rails the colour you want :smile: I would strongly suggest to put down a plastic sheet or paint sheet to stop accidently painting your patio :smile:


Take a bunch of photos as you go, you can always put together a project on your restoration for others to see and use :smile: Or just so you know the steps if people ask what you have done :smile:



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Best way to paint metal/iron balustrade

Hello @Susan19 


Allow me to welcome you as well to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks you for sharing your question about repainting your metal balustrade.


It's great that you've received excellent advice from @Dave-1. I totally agree with the products recommended, just to add to the suggestions made, I propose looking at investing in a detail sander. This will allow you to get into the tight corners of the balustrade and provide you with a nice uniform finish. Plus, it will make sanding so much easier. 


Here is a handy step-by-step guide: How To Paint Metal - D.I.Y. Advice


Please remember to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a mask when working on your project.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Re: Best way to paint metal/iron balustrade

Thank you @Dave-1  for taking the time to provide this great advice. 

Re: Best way to paint metal/iron balustrade

Hi @EricL  - Your advice is much appreciated. Thanks 

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