Growing in Experience

How to paint an asbestos fence?

Hi All,


We are building a house and it has an asbestos fence along one boundary that is overall in not too bad condition, so we're not in a huge rush to replace it (definitely on the cards for the next year or so).


But what I would like to do is just paint it for when we move in so it at least looks nice and is surface sealed. WA Health advice says: "painting the whole fence on the concerned house owner's side with two coats of a long lasting outdoor paint"..."A high volume low pressure spray gun is a safe and efficient way of doing this".


Just wondering if anyone has any knowledge on whether the Walpamur Fence Finish ( would be sufficient for this? Or if I need to be using an actual exterior paint?






Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Painting Super6/Asbestos Fence

Hello @kristian 


I recommend using a much more robust paint such as the Taubmans 10L White Low Sheen Sunproof Exterior Paint. It has a 25 year guarantee, it's self-priming and has UV barrier protection. On the off chance that you need more time to prepare, you can be confident that the paint you used on your fence will last longer than a year. 


Please take all necessary precautions while spraying near the asbestos fence. Please make sure to wear disposable overalls, safety gloves, goggles and a proper paint mask when you begin spray painting the fence. Please make sure that family members and pets are away from the area when you begin spray painting. 


I strongly suggest checking with your local council on the rules and regulations regarding painting asbestos fence panels before you begin.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Growing in Experience

Re: Painting Super6/Asbestos Fence

Hi Eric,


Thanks for the advice! Yes, I think you're right, best to plan for the worst in case we end up with the fence longer than expected.


And yes, I have already read up on our local council's advice (asbestos is very common in the neighbourhood). But it's good advice for anyone else who stumbles on this thread in the future. Asbestos is definitely not a task to take lightly or cut corners on.



Re: Painting Super6/Asbestos Fence

Hi  Using say a exterior acrylic paint is the last coat to put on . We seal the asbestos first to to glue and bind the fibres and stop moister penertration . And then coat the fence with exterior paint . As if not done properly with the right coating materials . You will find problems after a few years . And then you may have to remove the fence . Best to leave it to the people who know the process .

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Painting Super6/Asbestos Fence

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Eugene1. It's fabulous to have you join us, and great to see you jump into the discussion.

I'd agree that it's always best to consider engaging the services of a professional when dealing with asbestos. There's no question with removal, but even with stabilising, it's a good idea to have the people in the know do the job.


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