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How to oil a deck that is in sunlight?

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How to oil a deck that is in sunlight?

I have a north facing decking, how do I oil it when they say don't oil in direct sunlight ?




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Oiling a decking

Hello @ThomasOmalley, 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us and thanks for sharing your question about oiling your deck.


I believe they are suggesting not to oil your deck when the sun is at its peak. If you were to start your oiling early morning at around 6:00 a.m. you would have enough light to see what you're doing and where you're applying the oil. By the time 10:00 a.m. rolls around the sun will start to travel to its highest point. At this time, I suggest taking a break and wait for the peak hours to pass and continue on later when the sun begins to set or when the sun is not shinning directly on your deck.   


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Community Megastar

Re: How to oil a deck that is in sunlight?

Good Morning @ThomasOmalley 

Welcome to the community :smile: and I am currently re-oiling all my timberwork as I type! Well I have two things left to oil then it will be complete.

I have read the same thing, especially with exterior paint. For the paint I got up at 6am and started. For the oiling of the deck Ive actually been doing it from 4:00pm onwards usually tho have started early one day (12:30pm) as I had things I wanted done. Ended up paying for the miday oiling the next day with heat headaches lol


So Id go with 4pm onwards, prep the area before hand. Even if you break the deck into smaller sections and do part per day it can work. When I do this I oil up to a straight line of timber.

01 15-12-2024.jpg

I ran out of oil this afternoon but the line shows you how I finished for the day, It lessons teh chance of any discrepancy you may have.


I have a project with re-oiling I will try and put up later today (depends on work stuff :surprised: ) and will tag it for you.


Short easy answer, do it in the afternoon :smile: why make ourselves work hard.


Re: How to oil a deck that is in sunlight?

Hi Dave-1, I got up and oiled it at 6 am and finished the first coat by 8.30, the sun was just getting on the first 5 boards but no problem. I can't oil after 4 like you suggested as the sun is on it till at least 7 pm and that is well into beer o'clock, so will do the same the next 2 mornings. Thanks Thomas


Re: How to oil a deck that is in sunlight?


Just about to post my restore project for my deck :smile: And yeah I started at that time as well!



Community Megastar

Re: How to oil a deck that is in sunlight?

Afternoon @ThomasOmalley 

Here is the project, 

Restore Decking 


I did it at the end of 2023



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